Friday, October 30, 2015

New Video: Houston's Kay Jay & Crew - "Take It To The Bank"


Houston up-and-comer Kay Jay may be no Ben Afleck but the Houston suburb he inhabits could certainly be mistaken for "The Town." In fact that's the well-shot backdrop to his latest visual offering from "Tees, Trees & MP3's", his upcoming debut project. With a title like "Take It To The Bank" you'd be forgiven for believing that the storyline of the song is meant to insinuate that Kay Jay and crew moonlight in some nefarious activity that affords them the primo lifestyle his lyrics boast about, but you would be wrong. Back in the day 'you can take it to the bank' was an assurance of the honesty or factuality of one's statement, meant to indicate that it was gospel. Trill talk. That being said, Kay Jay and the C10ud posse want you to know that every word in this song is true. Bragging? Sure. A little gloating? Absolutely. Kay Jay doesn't care....and you can take that to the bank.

Twitter / IG: @KaydotJaydot420

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